Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Review

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Review – Bigger, Bloodier, and Better

It’s been over a decade since we last suited up as a Space Marine and unleashed righteous fury on the galaxy’s nastiest xenos in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine. Now, with Space Marine 2, developer Saber Interactive invites us back into the ultraviolent world of bolters, chainswords, and Tyranid entrails. But does the sequel live up to the weight of its power armor, or is it just another grimdark slog through the far future?

Let’s step into the boots of Lieutenant Titus and dive into the blood-soaked chaos that is Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2.

Gameplay: Chainswords, Bolters, and Bug Splatters

At its core, Space Marine 2 is a love letter to everything we adore about Warhammer 40K: over-the-top violence, hulking warriors clad in power armor, and enough heresy to make an Inquisitor’s head spin. The gameplay is relentless, fast-paced, and unapologetically brutal – just the way we like it. You play as Lieutenant Titus, a veteran Space Marine who now leads his squad into battle against the swarming Tyranid hordes. And let me tell you, there’s nothing more satisfying than watching these bug-like monsters explode into a gooey mess under the weight of your bolter fire.

The combat has been significantly refined from the first game. Titus is still the wrecking ball we remember, but there’s more fluidity in the way he moves and fights. Dodging, parrying, and switching between ranged and melee combat feels smoother than ever. One moment you’re blasting enemies with your bolter, and the next you’re revving up your chainsword to cleave through a Tyranid’s exoskeleton like a hot knife through butter.

New to the game is the adaptive combat system, where enemies learn from your tactics. So, if you’ve been a bit too bolter-happy, expect the Tyranids to adapt with swarming tactics that force you into close-quarters combat. This mechanic keeps you on your toes, constantly adjusting your strategy to match the evolving battlefield.

One of the standout features is the three-player co-op mode. Nothing screams "team bonding" quite like mowing down endless waves of Tyranids with your friends. The game feels built for co-op, with seamless integration and the option to coordinate your squad’s abilities for maximum destruction. Of course, you can still go it solo if you prefer, but why fight alone when you can share the bug-bashing fun with your battle-brothers?

Graphics: Grimdark in All Its Glory

Space Marine 2 is visually stunning – in that grimdark, apocalyptic way only Warhammer 40K can pull off. The environments are gorgeously bleak, from the crumbling gothic architecture of Imperium cities to the organic horrors of the Tyranid infestation. The game’s art direction leans heavily into the exaggerated scale of the Warhammer 40K universe, and it pays off. Buildings tower over you like ancient cathedrals, and every detail – from the worn armor of the Space Marines to the fleshy growths of the Tyranid hives – is rendered with care.

Character models are just as impressive. Titus looks like he’s been through hell and back, with every scratch on his armor telling a story of battle. The enemies, particularly the Tyranids, are grotesque in all the right ways. These aren’t just cannon fodder; they’re genuinely terrifying to look at, and the swarm behavior makes them feel like a living, breathing threat.

The particle effects and lighting really bring the world to life (or death, depending on how you look at it). Explosions send debris flying, bolter fire lights up dark corridors, and the sheer volume of Tyranid blood you’ll be covered in by the end of a mission feels, well, fitting.

Performance-wise, the game runs smoothly on next-gen consoles and high-end PCs, but there are the occasional frame dips in larger battles – nothing game-breaking, just enough to remind you that even power armor can’t stop your rig from chugging during a Tyranid swarm.

Mechanics: Tactical Carnage

Combat in Space Marine 2 revolves around tactical carnage. This isn’t a mindless shooter where you can hold down the trigger and pray. You’ve got to think like a Space Marine: strategically, brutally, and with a deep hatred for anything that isn’t human. The game mixes ranged and melee combat beautifully, allowing you to seamlessly transition between firing your bolter and swinging your chainsword depending on the situation.

New to Space Marine 2 is the morale system, which affects your squad’s performance. Keep your team alive and fighting, and their morale stays high, giving you access to powerful team-based abilities. But let things go south, and morale will drop, leaving your squad vulnerable and less effective in battle. It’s a clever way to keep you engaged with your team, rather than treating them as bullet sponges while you soak up all the glory.

Weapon variety is another highlight. From the iconic bolter and plasma gun to the devastating thunder hammer, each weapon feels weighty and powerful. The execution moves – brutal finishers that restore health – are back and just as satisfying as ever. There’s nothing quite like ripping a Tyranid in half to patch yourself up.

In co-op mode, you and your teammates can customize your loadouts and roles, allowing for different playstyles. Want to be the guy who runs into battle swinging a thunder hammer while your buddy lays down covering fire with a heavy bolter? Go for it. The synergy between teammates adds another layer of depth to an already robust combat system.

Value: Plenty of Grimdark Bang for Your Buck

With a 12-hour campaign, plus additional content coming in the form of future seasons and expansions, Space Marine 2 offers plenty of bang for your buck. The game’s co-op mode alone provides countless hours of replayability, especially with the promise of new content updates and missions. And let’s not forget the Operations mode, a PvP experience where you can pit your skills against other Space Marines and their warbands.

For fans of Warhammer 40K, this game is a no-brainer. It captures the essence of what makes the universe so beloved: over-the-top violence, righteous fury, and an unrelenting commitment to the Emperor. Even for newcomers, there’s plenty to enjoy here, though you might find yourself Googling some lore to make sense of the universe’s more convoluted aspects. But honestly, who needs to understand everything when you’ve got a chainsword in hand and an endless supply of xenos to crush?

Of course, not everything is perfect. The game’s reliance on the squad morale system can sometimes feel a bit too punishing, especially in tougher fights where one wrong move can send morale plummeting. And while the enemy AI is generally smart, there are moments where Tyranids seem more interested in running into walls than attacking your team.

For & Against


  • Intense, satisfying combat with a great balance of ranged and melee mechanics.

  • Gorgeous, grimdark environments that perfectly capture the Warhammer 40K aesthetic.

  • Three-player co-op mode is a blast, adding loads of replayability.

  • Brutal execution moves and a variety of iconic weapons keep things fresh.

  • Enemy AI adapts to your tactics, making each battle feel dynamic and challenging.


  • Occasional frame drops in large-scale battles.

  • Squad morale system can feel unforgiving at times.

  • Enemy AI can sometimes glitch, leading to some less-than-threatening moments.

  • Solo play is fun, but the game truly shines in co-op.

Final Verdict: 8.5/10

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 is a brutal, bloody, and endlessly entertaining return to the grimdark future. It refines and builds upon everything that made the original great, while adding in enough new mechanics and features to feel fresh. Whether you’re a seasoned Warhammer 40K fan or just someone who likes smashing alien bugs into goo, there’s something here for everyone.

The combat is fluid and rewarding, the world is beautifully grim, and the co-op mode offers hours of fun with friends. There are a few rough patches, particularly with the AI and morale system, but overall, Space Marine 2 is a worthy successor that delivers on its promise of tactical carnage.

So, gear up, grab your bolter, and remember: In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war – and it’s never looked this good.